Festivals 2024 and plans for 2025 (English)
Photos: Lisa and Clix
Years ago, I had an amazing droneshoot at the Nibana festival in France. Festivals are a great place to meet free thinking like minded people, and to immerse in festival activities to experience new things. Over the years, I kept dreaming about joining festivals and contributing to these festival by organising Dronude performances with the participants. In 2022, I worked with a team on the Dronude Utrecht project, and I shared my dream with Lisa who was a model and helped with the exhibition. Early 2024, we registered at two festivals: the Vrouwenfestival in Belgium, and the Freedive holiday, organised by the Play community in France. Complication: the Vrouwenfestival only allowed women on the festival grounds, no exception. Lisa had to do it without me. Lisa worked hard on the preparation, I learned her drone-flying, she found female assistants to help her and did a practice run in a campsite area in Zeeland with minimal help of me, with impressive results (see above). With this experience, and with her assistants, she went to the Vrouwenfestival and with Clix to the Freedive holiday. I felt sorry I could not help with these Dronude shoots, but Lisa could not have done better. The resulting images were beautiful, and the stories Lisa shared afterwards were impressive. The enthusiasm of the festival participants was overwhelming. It is special how Dronude group shoots connect participants and it provides the participants an empowering experience.
In 2025, we hope to visit even more festivals. With some help, we are reaching out to our favorite festivals, campsites and retreats, a long list is below. Hopefully some of these festivals will allow us to join them as participants and contributors, and give us the space to organise Dronude shoots at their locations. If we are successful, there will be Dronude shoots at some of these festivals. These shoots are not meant to be just isolated performances just happen at a festival, there are meant to be an integral part of the festival, together with other festival activities. Participating in the Dronude shoots is therefore only possible for people that participate in the whole festival. In other words, if you want to join one of these Dronude shoots, you need join the festival, and you need to join the festival wholeheartedly :)
NL festivals
• Psy-fi
• Ruigoord (Landjuweel, Solstice, Vurige Tongen)
• Lowlands
• Oerol
NL Campings/communities
• Afke Reijnga Lessons learned: Dronude shoots can be a great contribution to a festival. Lisa handles the complexity of a Dronude shoot with grace.
To do: reach out to festivals, campgrounds and retreats
Ideas for future shoots: the Dronude shoots at the festivals shout really contribute to the specific festival Help needed: you can help us by contacting the festivals/campings/retreats named above. Tell them of our wish to join them. :)